
What does Nisba mean? Meaning: component of a person's name, usually referring to the tribe, town or province of origin. It can also refer to a person's trade.  


What does Muqarnas mean? Meaning: honeycomb-shaped decorative elements in medieval Islamic architecture. These elements are arranged like stalactites and line the vaults or domes of certain Muslim buildings.  


What does Muezzin mean? Meaning: the person in charge of issuing the call to prayer (adhan), often from the top of one of the mosque's minarets.  


What does Moucharabieh mean? Meaning: forced natural ventilation system, generally made up of small turned wooden elements, assembled according to an often complex geometrical plan and forming a tight mesh, used…


What does Mihrab mean? Meaning: niche on the inside wall of a mosque, indicating the direction of Mecca, to which Muslims turn during prayer.  


What does Minbar mean? Meaning: pulpit in the form of a stepladder, in mosques, from which sermons are delivered.  


What does Minaret mean? Meaning: high tower integrated into a mosque, whose purpose is to provide a high point for the muezzin's 5 calls to prayer.  


What does Mina'ï mean? Meaning: (from Persian mina, "enamel"). Term applied to a type of ceramic that undergoes two firings, the first at high temperature, for the glaze and colors that…


What does Maqsura mean? Meaning: designates a small, private room. In the religious sphere, it refers to the private area reserved for the sovereign to pray.  


What does Madrassa mean? Meaning: designates a school, whether secular or religious, whatever the denomination. In Islamic architecture, it often refers to a Koranic school.