
What does Ribat mean? Meaning: Fortified defensive constructions, generally installed on frontiers. They also serve as lodgings for travelers and as places for meditation.  


What does Dhal mean? Meaning: the "dhal" shield refers to an Indian shield, sometimes also used in Persia, made of leather and sometimes steel. It is therefore found, in particular, in…


What does Ksar mean? Meaning: fortified village (Berber architecture) found in North Africa.  

Diacritique (signe) 

What does Diacritique (signe) mean? Meaning: signs (dots, dashes) used in Arabic writing to precisely define words and their pronunciation.  

Lustre métallique 

What does Lustre métallique mean? Meaning: type of glaze obtained by applying a glaze containing metallic particles to an already glazed ceramic object. The lustre effects are created by the light…


What does Sabil-kuttab mean? Meaning: building, or part of a building, with a public fountain on the first floor and an elementary school on the upper floor (found mainly in Mamluk…


What does Email mean? Meaning: the fixing of molten glass to a support, usually metal or glass.  


What does Madrassa mean? Meaning: designates a school, whether secular or religious, whatever the denomination. In Islamic architecture, it often refers to a Koranic school.  

Saz (style)

What does Saz (style)mean? Meaning: Turkish term for a decorative style characterized by vegetal compositions combined with long, serrated leaves. These ornaments were used in Ottoman art on various types…