
What does Waterweed mean? Meaning: term used to designate a style of scroll and interlace motifs characteristic of the production of certain ceramics in Kashan around the 13th century.  


What does Waqâla mean? Meaning: term used mainly by the Mamluks and Ottomans to designate a waqf-type caravanserai, and sometimes, no doubt abusively, its outbuildings (mausoleum, public fountain, elementary school, madrasa...);…


What does Tughramean? Meaning: refers to the monograms of Ottoman sultans, in the form of highly sophisticated calligraphy, including the sultan's name, title, direct ancestry and the formula "always victorious"…

Saz (style)

What does Saz (style)mean? Meaning: Turkish term for a decorative style characterized by vegetal compositions combined with long, serrated leaves. These ornaments were used in Ottoman art on various types…


What does Sabil-kuttab mean? Meaning: building, or part of a building, with a public fountain on the first floor and an elementary school on the upper floor (found mainly in Mamluk…


What does Ribat mean? Meaning: Fortified defensive constructions, generally installed on frontiers. They also serve as lodgings for travelers and as places for meditation.  


What does Panjara mean? Meaning: term used in Central Asia to designate something similar to a moucharabieh.  


What does Pishtak mean? Meaning: element of Islamic architecture of Persian origin. It is an arched portal that projects from the façade on which it is located.  


What does Para-mamluk mean? Meaning: name given to carpets from the 15th century. An example can be seen at the Philadelphia Museum of Art4. The Musée du Louvre acquired a carpet…